Garden · Life

Summer Days

It’s been a fair old while since I’ve written on here, and I have to say I’ve missed it. Blogging is definitely not cool anymore, but then again, I’ve never been cool.

David Austin climbing rose Claire Austin
Whereas, my handsome fiancé definitely was a cool kid!

There’s a few reasons why I’ve not been on here; not finding the time, forgetting my blog exists, then remembering it does, and making a promise to myself to write down my thoughts and musings, but never actually getting around to it. I’m currently signed off work due to a horrible infection, so in between sleeping and throwing back the antibotics, I thought I would revive my blog.

I find writing cathartic, as I do taking photos – it’s my getaway, my release, something I love doing, my space to write down how I’m feeling or to focus and only think about getting that perfect shot that represents the exact moment I’m in.

book and Daylesford lavender candle in the sunlight

This summer has been an absolute scorcher, literally. Whilst it’s been lovely to have so much sun and to sit outside until late into the evening, where the only light is the flickering of the candles, it has come at a cost to the enivronment, nature and us. Global warming is really showing us it’s impact, we are seeing the start of a false autumn, affecting the wildlife around us and in no way are our homes prepared for the intense heat we have experienced.

summer sunset in the Cotswolds

However, the vegetable / flower patch has thrived. I’ve been a little less regimented this year with what goes in and it’s been my favourite year to date. There’s beautiful dark purple cornflowers growing up with the runner beans and sweetpeas with different types of thyme spreading and flowering underneath, dahlias along one edge, interspersed with basil I bought from the supermarket and divided up, rows of beetroot that the horses have decided they like, so some are missing a few leaves when they hang their heads over to sample the goods, but best of all, is that we have pumpkins!

Now, I need to caveat that I have not sown any pumpkin seeds, nor have I purchased any. I did sow some courgette seeds, which I initially thought they were, but as the plants started to spread along the ground, I realised these were no courgettes.


The other brilliant part of the patch is that it is always buzzing with all different types of bees, butterflies and insects. Red tailed bumblebees lazily roll around in the nectar of the pumpkins flowers, before heading to the runner bean flowers and then having a little snooze on the cornflowers.

Beautiful butterflies seem to enjoy the flowering thyme and the incredible hummingbird hawk moth is a huge fan of the veberna. This is the first year we’ve ever seen it in the garden, so safe to say there’s going to be more veberna dotted around the garden next year!

hummingbird hawk moth on the veberna
hummingbird hawk moth on the veberna

One final thought; there is no doubt autumn is on its way. However, it’s still summer and there is so much yet to be enjoyed – I’m still waiting for some of my stubborn dahlias to make an appearance, there’s dresses from last year that I’m yet to wear and there’s plenty of coal left for barbecues.

Treasure these last summer days, marvel at the beautiful summer sunsets that come your way because before you know it, the best season of the year will be upon us.

sweetpeas in the sunset

A x

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